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Benzo Detox during COVID-19 Crisis

We already know that active addiction is isolating, let alone struggling with addiction in a national emergency on-lock down.  If you’re in this type of situation, like most of the country, you might be struggling even more than usual with feelings of depression, anxiety, restlessness, and increased cravings or withdrawal symptoms.  If you’re currently experiencing withdrawal from benzodiazepines or worried that you will be experiencing withdrawal symptoms, it’s important that

Gambling Addiction Group Therapy

Economic Effects of Alcohol and Drugs

Research reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that alcohol abuse costs the US around $223.5 billion annually, with close to 75% of the expenses related to binge drinking(1). Reduced productivity in the workplace accounts for the greatest cost, taking up more than 70% of the total cost of alcohol abuse, while paying for the health and law enforcement expenses related to problem drinking each accounts for

Are Oreos Really as Addicting as Cocaine?

Are Oreos Really as Addicting as Cocaine?

A new study has found that Oreo cookies are addicting, possibly even as addicting as cocaine. Researchers from Connecticut College looked at rats’ behavior when presented with Oreo cookies, and found that the rats behaved the same for Oreos as they did for cocaine. Comparing Oreos to Cocaine Researchers gave rats the choice between rice cakes or Oreos, and the rats chose Oreos every time. In a similar study, the

K2 Drug Abuse – What’s the Teen Attraction?

K2 Drug Abuse – What’s the Teen Attraction?

There’s a new designer drug captivating teens these days called K2. This synthetic marijuana, made out of lettuce leaves and fertilizer in China,  is also known as spice and potpourri on the streets and is growing rapidly in popularity. So what’s the appeal? K2 is easily obtained, packs a punch five times more powerful than ‘real’ marijuana, it’s not detectable when drug tested, and it’s cheap; but the final coup

Lindsay Lohan a Changed Woman

Lindsay Lohan a Changed Woman

Lindsay Lohan is determined to convince her fans that she is a changed woman, and that she has put her drug and alcohol abuse behind her. In a post treatment interview with Oprah, Lindsay explained what she was going through when she was sentenced, serving time in jail and in recovery. Lohan made it clear that in the past she wasn’t ready for recovery, but that this time is different.

pain management and addiction

Coping with the Need for Pain Management in the Face of Addiction

As prescription drug addiction continues to reach all time highs, the crisis is being seriously looked at by the American Medical Association. The AMA is trying to figure out a way to cope with the need for pain management while lowering the incidence of addiction. According to the American Medical Association “As policymakers craft solutions to address prescription drug abuse, diversion, overdose and death, it is critical that we do not unintentionally

Lisa Robin Kelly candle

That 70’s Show Star Lisa Robin Kelly Dies Suddenly in Rehab

Lisa Robin Kelly, also known as Laurie Forman, Eric Forman’s malicious older sister on the popular sitcom That 70’s Show, passed away August 14th while in rehab. She was just 43 years old. She had recently admitted herself to rehab in California, where she died unexpectedly in her sleep. The autopsy is back but inconclusive, and the toxicology report will not be available for another couple of months. According to

ADHD Drugs

Emergencies Due to Misuse of ADHD Drugs Quadrupled in 6 Years

In 2011, statistics showed that 23,000 people ended up in the emergency room due to ADHD drug related situations. A dramatic increase since 2005 when only 5,600 cases like this were on record, this report illustrates just what a problem drugs like Ritalin and Adderall have become, especially in people between the ages of 18 – 34. Also very concerning is the information about how these young people acquired the

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Medication Assisted Treatment: Cure or Crutch?

Since the advent of methadone, medication-assisted treatment has been the subject of much scrutiny. Although progress continues to be made with the use of medication to treat alcohol and opioid dependence, many questions still remain. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of such medications in combination with a comprehensive treatment program, but many people in recovery and the field of substance abuse continue to be wary. How Does Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)


Parents who smoke pot don’t want their kids to – The Debate on Legalizing Marijuana

A recent online survey by Partnership at shows that parents who support the legalization of marijuana expect strict rules around the use of the drug to protect kids. According to USA Today, the survey reached – 1,603 adults, 1,200 of whom are parents of kids ages 10-19. About 35% of parents favored legalizing marijuana for recreational use, 46% said it should be decriminalized, and 70% supported legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.

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