Lisa Robin Kelly, also known as Laurie Forman, Eric Forman’s malicious older sister on the popular sitcom That 70’s Show, passed away August 14th while in rehab. She was just 43 years old. She had recently admitted herself to rehab in California, where she died unexpectedly in her sleep. The autopsy is back but inconclusive, and the toxicology report will not be available for another couple of months.
According to the Huffington Post –
“Earlier last week, Kelly voluntarily checked herself into rehab to deal with “the addiction problems that have plagued her these past few years,” her agent told People magazine.”
Kelly admitted to having issues with alcohol. Starting in 2010 and over the past 3 years, she ended up with 4 arrests, including a DUI. According to Metro –
“I was guilty of the drinking problem,” Kelly told ABC in an interview after three months of being sober, “and I ran.”
Kelly said she was ready to face her problem and make a sober comeback. She went into rehab, but it was too late. It’s a sad time for the entertainment business, she was a talented actress, funny and bright. May Lisa Robin Kelly rest in peace.
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