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Can Meloxicam Get You High?

In the world of prescription drugs, you always want to find one that treats your symptoms and helps you lead a pain-free life. For people suffering from acute joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoarthritis, their doctor may prescribe Meloxicam, more commonly known as Mobic, for their pain. While this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory has proven to treat and manage their symptoms, can abusing it get you high? What Is Meloxicam? Meloxicam is


How Do You Solve Withdrawal Symptoms?

When a person experiencing addiction decides to get on the road to recovery, one of the biggest challenges they must overcome is the detox process. The detoxification period can be painful, harrowing, even dangerous, and many people avoid getting clean because they are fearful of just how intense their withdrawal symptoms will be. Various factors influence how serious a person’s withdrawal symptoms are when they stop taking drugs. In many


Can Your Heart Heal After Addiction?

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Cardiovascular Health The cardiovascular system (which includes the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries) is perhaps one of the most essential organ systems in a person’s body. The heart, obviously, is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body and maintaining blood pressure. Arteries, on the other hand, carry nutrients away from the heart and closer to other tissues in the body. Veins branch off throughout


6 Tips For Finding A New Job After Rehab

Because of the effects of heavy drug & alcohol use, it can be difficult for people who have substance abuse issues to keep a job or start a new position – and it can be even more complicated when these individuals decide to get sober and start the recovery process. There are some obstacles that might get in the way of the career search for a person who just got


A Guide to Court-Mandated Alcohol & Drug Classes

How Long Will It Take You To Receive Your Alcohol & Drug Awareness Certificate? Individuals who have been caught exhibiting dangerous behaviors while under the influence of alcohol or are known to be in possession of certain drugs may be required to take what is known as an alcohol and drug education class. These classes are common for people who have a DUI (Driving Under Influence) charge or other drug


What Does FEAR Stand For In Alcoholics Anonymous?

The 10 Possible Meanings of This Popular AA Acronym Alcoholics Anonymous (which is better known by its acronym, AA) is a program that welcomes individuals who struggle with alcoholism and motivates them to live a happy and healthy life. Through group meetings, therapeutic techniques, and non-stop support, AA gives people the tools they need to stay sober and alcohol-free forever. In AA, members practice what is taught to them from


What Does It Mean To Have “Wet Brain”?

Wet Brain: What Is It? ‘Wet Brain’ is a slang term for a disorder with a specific set of neurological conditions that can have an impact on an individual’s memory, lifespan, and more. In addition to ‘wet brain,’ this disorder can also be referenced as alcohol dementia, Korsakoff psychosis, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, alcoholic encephalopathy, encephalopathy-alcoholic, Wernicke’s dementia, and Wernicke’s disease. Its formal name, however, is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome consists of


What Happens When You Get Your Stomach Pumped?

You’ve probably heard of the term “getting your stomach pumped.” Stomach pumping, otherwise known as gastric suction, gastric lavage, or nasogastric tube suction, is a procedure that a doctor performs to quickly empty the contents of the stomach. This procedure is only administered in emergency medical situations to prevent serious health complications.   Why Someone May Need to Get Their Stomach Pumped Someone may need to get their stomach pumped


Chemical Dependency Assessments & Evaluations

Many people are familiar with chemical dependency assessments, but may use different terms to describe them. Chemical dependency assessments are also referenced as chemical dependency evaluations and substance abuse assessments or evaluations. This type of test is commonly associated with addiction and abuse disorders. What Is A Chemical Dependency Assessment? These assessments, regardless of what they’re called, are used to determine if someone is dependent on drugs or alcohol. A

women with codependency issues waiting for a text message

Reasons That People May Become Codependent

What It Means to Be Codependent The term “codependency” can define a few different things. Originally, the word was used to describe the partner of a person with an addiction. Now, the term can define any person who stays in an emotionally destructive, one-sided, or abusive relationship of any kind. Codependency is an emotional and behavioral condition that is based on dependence on another person. It is not only frustrating

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