We’ve all likely heard about support groups and their impact on people playing sports, working in stressful environments, and recovering from mental health conditions. For many, support groups are the foundation of their growth and recovery process. They offer resources and assistance from family members, loved ones, or medical professionals that make it easier to stick to set goals. Let’s take a look at how support groups can provide the foundation you need to make valuable and long-lasting steps toward healing.

What Are Support Groups?

Support groups are a gathering of people currently facing or already recovering from certain conditions. Support groups allow individuals to express how they feel, work on recovery solutions, and feel much more comfortable with their ability to recover from certain conditions. Healing isn’t something any of us can do alone, and using a support group can show you that it’s possible while also providing access to resources you may not have thought possible.

There are many different support groups, meaning you can find one beneficial to your situation. They include:

  • Mutual support groups
  • 12-step self-help groups
  • Therapy groups
  • Online support groups

How Impactful Can Support Groups Be?

The impact of support groups should never be underestimated. They provide comfort, stability, and care and show you you’re not alone. Loneliness is one of the key factors contributing to mental health struggles and a lack of recovery, and you can remedy that by participating in a support group. They’re also flexible, meaning you can partner with your support group on weekly or daily schedules or find something that works for you. Here are some additional benefits of support groups:

  • Coping with grief and learning new coping skills
  • Providing a safe space to speak about sexual identity and orientation
  • Support for those right out of substance abuse rehab programs
  • People looking to curb poor habits and behaviors
  • Individuals dealing with anxiety or stress

The Statistics Behind the Benefits of Support Groups

In addition to anecdotal evidence, statistics also show the benefits of support groups. Many studies have shown the advantages and benefits of joining support groups, as well as evidence pointing to them as a critical predictor of success in recovery. For example, simply joining a support group can reduce your risk of relapse anywhere from 7-25%. 

Additionally, 81% of support group participants report cultivating a more robust network of friends and loved ones. Support groups can also help you reach the critical threshold of two years post-recovery. Of the people who reach this marker, 90% go on to enjoy long-term freedom from the substances they once struggled with.

What Should You Expect from a Support Group?

Whether you’re working with an addiction treatment center or finding support via community centers, churches, or local organizations, support groups are essentially run the same. You can expect them to include people who have gone through or are currently experiencing similar things as you, in addition to close relatives or friends willing to help. Experienced support group facilitators or mental health experts can calm your nerves and show you what to expect along the process. 

Support groups are also structured processes with clear guidelines and rules to follow. You may also occasionally have guest speakers from various professions that give even more detail and insight to support your recovery. Overall, support groups are supportive, enjoyable, and provide an excellent opportunity for you to get closer to healing. 

How Steps to Recovery Can Help You Find the Group That You Deserve

Finding a support group isn’t always easy for everyone. We all live under different circumstances and conditions that make certain things more accessible than others. Maybe you live further away from your family and friends or struggle to cultivate those relationships and convey your feelings. No matter what part of the journey you’re on, everyone deserves a supportive group behind them, and with Steps to Recovery, you can find yours. 

Team up with our addiction recovery center to learn more ways we can help you find the support group you need. We offer quality group therapy programs and addiction or family therapy programs to help you experience the benefits of a support group. Contact us today for more information on the benefits of support groups, or call 267.209.7312 to speak directly with one of our specialists.

