It’s a common assumption that alcoholics are sloppy, jobless individuals who do nothing but drink all day every day, but that isn’t always necessarily the case. In fact, some people who only drink on the weekends can even be considered an alcoholic.


Can You Be An Alcoholic & Only Drink On Weekends?

Yes, you can be an alcoholic and only drink on the weekends. However, that does not mean that everyone who drinks on the weekends could be considered an alcoholic. So how can you distinguish a social drinker from a “weekend alcoholic?”

There is a very thin and blurry line between casual drinking and alcoholism. Casual drinking can quickly become a bigger problem if an individual does not monitor their alcohol consumption. This slippery slope begins with binge drinking. A man is binge drinking if he drinks more than four drinks in a 2-3 hour span. A woman is binge drinking if she consumes three drinks in the same time span. While many individuals think it is okay to binge drink on the weekend as long as they don’t drink during the week, they could be harming themselves more than they realize.


Risks of Weekend Alcohol Abuse

Individuals who binge drink on the weekends are likely to experience insomnia and alcohol dependence. Additionally, drinking heavily on weekends can eventually lead to trouble breathing, liver problems, and symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Most importantly, being a “weekend alcoholic” can damage an individual’s relationships, social skills, and career goals.


Signs That Someone Is A Weekend Alcoholic

Because of all the risks, it is important to catch this type of alcohol abuse before it becomes something much more dangerous. If someone drinks heavily every weekend, there is a chance that they may be developing or already have an alcohol use disorder.

Here are some more signs that someone may be considered a “weekend alcoholic.”

  • They find it hard to stop after having one or two drinks.
  • They feel guilty for over-drinking or drinking too frequently.
  • They have gotten in trouble with the law while intoxicated.
  • They behave differently when they drink.
  • They become aggressive or violent when they drink.
  • They think about drinking when they aren’t drinking.
  • They feel the need to stick with their weekend drinking ritual.
  • They underestimate how much they drink.
  • They repeatedly have blackouts.
  • They use alcohol as a reward.
  • They lie about their drinking.
  • They have changed their priorities.

If you notice these side effects in yourself or someone you love, it may be time to consider cutting down on drinking or receiving alcohol abuse treatment.


Managing & Maintaining Your Alcohol Intake

If you think that you may have a chance of becoming a “weekend alcoholic,” be sure to give yourself a drinking limit when you go out on the weekends. If you’re not good at keeping a limit for yourself, ask a sober friend to come with you and monitor your drinking.

If you believe that you or a family member have already developed alcoholism and would like to talk to a medical professional about your options, contact our team of substance abuse treatment representatives by calling 267.209.7312.


