What is Bipolar Disorder?

Also called manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder affects around 6.1 million adults annually, as stated by the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health). Bipolar disorders are challenging to detect in children and teenagers. These disorders usually become apparent during late adolescence and early adulthood.

In the absence of treatment, bipolar disorder is hard to manage. STR Behavioral Health provides the best treatment for bipolar disorder using medicine and various therapies.

Although people often inherit bipolar disorder, researchers have not yet determined a definitive cause. Several studies have linked bipolar disorder to head injuries and thyroid diseases. There is often difficulty in understanding the symptoms regardless of the cause.

Common Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Mania and depression are clinical terms used to describe two intense emotional states typical of people with bipolar disorder. Every person’s mania and depression symptoms are different, as are their levels of severity.

There are several manic symptoms associated with bipolar disorder:

  • An intense feeling of euphoria
  • Speech that is hurried
  • Thoughts racing
  • An increase in agitation or irritation
  • Substance abuse and risky behaviors
  • Sleeping less

In bipolar disorder, the depressive phase has the exact opposite effect. Symptoms of the depressive phase include:

  • Physical weakness, fatigue, or lethargy
  • A feeling of extreme sadness, often leading to suicidal thoughts or actions
  • Problems sleeping
  • An increase in appetite or a decrease in appetite
  • Challenging time enjoying activities
  • A greater tendency to be irritable and aggressive
  • Chronic pain with no known cause

Are there Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

Yes, there are several types, each characterized by the intensity and frequency of mood episodes. The two primary types are:
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Bipolar I Disorder

When someone has intense manic episodes for at least a week, needing urgent medical help. Depressive episodes may also occur, typically lasting for at least two weeks.
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Bipolar II Disorder

This is when a person experiences less severe manic episodes, known as hypomanic and depressive episodes. Hypomanic episodes are elevated moods lasting at least four days.

Substance Use and Bipolar Disorder

We understand that navigating the challenges of bipolar disorder can be overwhelming. When combined with substance use, it can be even more complex. We provide valuable information and guidance on the treatment options available to you or your loved one. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme shifts in mood, energy levels, and behavior. These shifts, known as episodes, can range from manic highs to depressive lows. Alcohol and drugs can make bipolar disorder symptoms worse and make it harder to manage the condition. Treating bipolar disorder and substance use requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both conditions simultaneously. The first step is to reach out for professional help. A qualified mental health professional at our facility can thoroughly evaluate the best course of treatment. They will consider your unique situation, medical history, and substance use patterns. Treatment often involves a combination of therapies, including medication management therapy and psychotherapy. Medications can help stabilize mood swings and manage symptoms of bipolar disorder. Taking medications as prescribed and communicating any concerns or side effects to your healthcare provider is essential.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder recovery is possible no matter what symptoms one is experiencing. At STR Behavioral Health, we evaluate the mental health needs of each client. We offer treatment for bipolar disorder at our facilities, including individual, family, and group sessions in a calming setting to help clients manage their symptoms.

Our teams create personalized treatment plans for bipolar disorder using evidence-based therapy and experiential therapies. By utilizing a comprehensive approach, our bipolar disorder treatment center helps clients gain a deeper understanding of their illness.

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