Many individuals struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction but don’t want to get help. Often, fear of withdrawal is a significant deterrent. By understanding the alcohol withdrawal timeline, clients can be more confident when heading into detox and rehab. Explore the timetable for alcohol withdrawal and begin planning for your total recovery.
Deciding to Seek Help For Alcohol Addiction
The first step in addiction recovery is acknowledging that there is a problem. This step is often easier said than done. Since adults widely consume alcohol, there are plenty of excuses and justifications available. However, once a person has recognized that they’re struggling with alcohol addiction, they can take the next step.
That next step is to realize you can’t resolve addiction on your own. It takes a team of trained professionals to guide clients through every step of the process. From detox to rehab to aftercare, recovery will be more comfortable and safer if clients have support along the way. Initially, that might start with time at a drug alcohol detox center.
Initial Symptoms of Withdrawal
Once you enroll in a detox center and stop drinking alcohol altogether, you can expect withdrawal symptoms to appear within 10 or 12 hours. These first symptoms tend to be mild, and most clients are already familiar with them.
These initial symptoms of withdrawal might start with nausea and abdominal pain. Anxiety is also common, as is restlessness. Clients are typically agitated and craving alcohol. Insomnia is very likely, and most clients won’t be able to fall asleep on their own at this stage of the recovery process.
The Peak of Alcohol Withdrawal
The first mild symptoms of alcohol withdrawal will intensify. By 24 hours into the detox, many clients will experience high blood pressure, an increase in body temperature and mental confusion. These symptoms tend to peak around 72 hours into the detox.
During the peak of alcohol withdrawal, some clients deal with rare but severe side effects. This can include an extremely high fever, hallucinations or even seizures. The risk of these potential symptoms is why all clients need medical supervision during a detox. If medical professionals are monitoring the situation, then clients can get preventative or emergency medical care when it’s required.
Ending the Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline With Rehab Treatment
Addiction recovery services start with detox. Completing a detox means that clients are no longer chemically dependent on the use of alcohol. Addiction, however, is more complicated than just a physical disease. It is also behavioral, emotional and even genetic.
At Steps to Recovery, clients can complete the alcohol withdrawal timeline with rehab treatment. Some of the services and treatments available to clients include the following:
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Addiction education
- Life skills training
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
Alcohol withdrawal timeline can bring about unpleasant symptoms, but it is a necessary part of recovery. At Steps to Recovery in Levittown, Pennsylvania, clients will have support as they work through addiction treatment. Fight back against alcohol addiction once and for all by calling 267.209.7312.
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