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Is Trazodone Addictive?

Trazodone misuse can lead to a host of side effects, including life-threatening medical complications and overdose. Here’s what you should know about the drug itself and its risk for dependency.  What Is Trazodone? Trazodone is a prescription antidepressant medication used primarily in the treatment of major depressive disorder and anxiety. It is also considered a safe and effective off-label treatment for insomnia, although there is little research on the long-term

Young man sitting and looking out a window sadly.

Exploring the Connection Between Bipolar and Addiction

Bipolar disorder and substance use disorders are two serious mental health conditions. Living with one or the other is difficult, but experiencing both can cause considerable struggles. What is the connection between bipolar and addiction, and how can you find help if you’re struggling with these co-occurring disorders? What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. It affects

Illustration of doctor sitting with patients discussing treatment

Dissecting the Addiction Cycle: Recognizing and Understanding Patterns

Addiction is a serious, chronic condition characterized by compulsive substance use. It affects people from all walks of life, all around the world. An estimated 46.3 million people in the United States alone live with a substance use disorder.1 Long-term substance use can cause serious problems and may even be fatal. Knowing the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction, why do some people still develop addiction? Learning about the addiction


The Stages of Alcohol Detox

Alcohol is among the most widely used drugs in the United States. An estimated 133.1 million people had a drink in the last month alone.¹ Thankfully, most people are responsible about their alcohol consumption. They have a drink while out on a date or at a gathering with friends and cut it after one or two. Unfortunately, some have a harder time managing their drinking. In the U.S., 21.5% of

individual struggling with alcoholism unsure of the detox meaning

Detox Meaning

The word detox is widely associated with eliminating foods or chemicals from your diet that you feel negatively impact your health. Among people with substance use disorders, the word has an entirely different meaning. When you’re struggling with a drug or alcohol dependency, detoxification is the first step on the road to sobriety and recovery. It can also be one of the most challenging parts of getting clean. Here’s what

Electronic thermometer surrounded by blue pills on a yellow background.

How Do Amphetamines Affect Body Temperature?

Drug use affects the body in many different ways. Substances alter cognitive, emotional, and physical functioning to varying degrees. Amphetamines, such as prescription amphetamines or methamphetamine, have serious effects on the body. One example is their impact on body temperature. Amphetamine abuse can lead to disastrous consequences in certain environments, particularly in warmer weather or while exercising. How do amphetamines affect body temperature, and what are the dangers of other


What Is the Difference Between Physical & Psychological Dependence?

When dissecting the nuances of drug or alcohol abuse, physical and psychological dependence are the two different forms that constantly come up. While often associated with one another, these two terms differ wildly, and understanding the meaning behind the two is an important step in finding the right treatment. With help from Steps to Recovery — a drug and alcohol treatment facility in PA — you’ll know the differences between


Can Alcohol-Induced AFib Be Reversed?

Prolonged alcohol use can have a wide range of effects on the human body. Some of these can be noticed immediately, while others can take time to present themselves but become much more serious. One such issue that can take some time to develop is alcohol-induced heart murmurs and palpitations — otherwise known as alcohol-induced AFib. When dealing with matters of your heart and its continued function, you’ll want to


Can You Develop Heart Palpitations From Drinking Alcohol?

Heart problems are extremely dangerous, and most people who have felt any pain in their chest know how scary of a feeling it can be. Your heart is one of the most vital organs in the body, and heart palpitations are a sign that it isn’t as healthy as it could be. Whether you’re a heavy alcohol drinker or just consume one or two drinks per day, you might wonder


Why Does Alcohol Give Me Night Sweats?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and found yourself covered in a cold sweat that you couldn’t quite explain? While sweating performs a bodily function — keeps you cool in warm conditions — and is often a sign your body is fighting off an infection, sometimes night sweats can be a sign of a more serious condition. If you’re dealing with alcoholism, you may also

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