Law Enforcement

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What is Post Incarceration Syndrome?

Post Incarceration Syndrome Unless we have been in prison ourselves, it’s difficult to understand exactly what inmates go through both during and after their time behind bars. When someone is in prison, they get used to the conditions, as harmful and abusive as they may sometimes be. The conditions may begin to wear on an individual, leaving them feeling like they have nowhere to turn. If someone experiences these struggles

Judges wooden gavel resting on a law book in a courtroom conceptual of judgements, crime, punishment, and justice

What Do The Good Samaritan Laws Protect?

You’ve probably heard of the term “Good Samaritan” before. It originated from the Bible to describe an anonymous person who did good deeds without expectations. We still use this term today when we talk about people who do favors for others and don’t want anything back in return. For example — if you’ve ever had anyone in front of you in line pay for your coffee for no reason, they

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