cocaine withdrawalPart of overcoming a drug addiction is going through the withdrawal process. While a cocaine withdrawal isn’t pleasant, it is necessary for patients who are ready to make real lifestyle changes. Take a closer look at expected withdrawal symptoms as you prepare for a cocaine detox.

Psychological Symptoms

Withdrawal from cocaine is unusual because most symptoms are psychological rather than physical. However, that doesn’t mean that the process is any simpler. Throughout detox, it is important for anyone going through withdrawal to have medical support and supervision.

Many people withdrawing from cocaine experience fatigue and exhaustion. It’s hard to have the energy for even the smallest everyday tasks, and there may be little or no motivation available. Some patients even experience what is known as anhedonia, or the inability to experience pleasure. The idea of food, sex, or companionship may not be appealing while going through withdrawal.

Some patients also experience cognitive trouble. It’s normal to have difficulty concentrating, and there may be slower response time. In rare cases, people can experience suicidal thoughts. Anxiety and depression are more common during cocaine withdrawal.

Physical Symptoms

The most common physical symptom of cocaine withdrawal is the physical craving for the drug. These cravings can be visceral, and some patients report that they feel physically painful.

Some patients also experience a fever during withdrawal. Chills, sweating, and dehydration are possible. While rare, it is possible for patients to suffer tremors, nerve pain, and muscle aches.

Typical Timeline for Withdrawal

The withdrawal process for cocaine is unique, and it is different from most other drug detoxes. Withdrawal can begin as little as 90 minutes after cocaine consumption ends, thanks to the drug’s short half-life. This means that cocaine users are very familiar with initial withdrawal symptoms.

A typical withdrawal from cocaine will lasts seven to nine days. Of course, there are many outliers, and some patients report withdrawal symptoms for up to two weeks. Overall, however, this a week-long process that leads to intensive addiction treatment in order to fully recover.

What to Do After a Cocaine Withdrawal is Complete

Withdrawal is only the first step to overcoming cocaine addiction. Unfortunately, many people abandon recovery as soon as they achieve temporary sobriety. In order to make that sobriety last, further addiction treatment is necessary.

At Steps to Recovery, patients can choose from diverse treatment programs. These programs offer a variety of methods, which include:

Cocaine withdrawal is a critical part of the recovery process. At Steps to Recovery in Levittown, Pennsylvania, you can begin your journey to better health and wellness. Take the first step today by calling 267.209.7312.