Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the more well-known disorders, affecting anywhere from 3-6% of adults. One of the main forms of treatment for people with ADHD is prescription Adderall. Because of its wide usage, plenty of individuals know about or have encountered the drug, but there are some profound mental health issues that extreme Adderall consumption can lead to. Let’s explore the link between Adderall abuse and aggression and how to ensure that someone gets the help they need to avoid abusing Adderall.

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is a prescription stimulant used to tame narcolepsy or ADHD symptoms by raising the level of specific brain chemicals. Almost 70-80% of individuals taking Adderall see immediate improvements in mood and attention upon taking the drug. This is because it focuses on two chemicals — dopamine and norepinephrine — which are responsible for things like our reaction to rewarding experiences and the effect of stress on the brain, respectively. While Adderall is an effective ADHD medication, others tend to use this drug for increased focus at work, school, and other important tasks.

The Effects of Adderall

Adderall may be effective at increasing focus and attention, but there are a few side effects to note when consuming the drug. Most people prescribed Adderall are given a dosage that limits these effects, but that’s a much harder task for individuals seeking heightened focus with illegal methods.

Many short-term effects of consumption lead to a lack of appetite, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, stomach pain, nausea, constipation, and anxiety. These effects usually go away after hours or days, but consumption without supervision can lead to extremely aggressive responses or bodily reactions.

How The Long Term Effects of Adderall Contribute to Aggression

Long-term use can cause major changes in the brain, especially when misused in high doses. Over time, this can lead to dependability and substance abuse problems that cause aggressive responses. Addiction can affect families, relationships, and work opportunities and lead to aggressive behavior. Withdrawing from Adderall can also lead to aggression as the symptoms gnaw at individuals craving the drug. Some of the dangerous long-term effects that lead to aggressive behavior include: 

  • Psychosis
  • Addiction
  • Heart Issues
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Changes in Sex Drive
  • Dementia

Psychosis is a mental health condition that causes individuals to lose touch with reality, leading to dangerous activities. Sleep deprivation leads to headaches, pain, and nervousness, which can also cause aggressive behavior. Heart issues, changes in sex drive, and dementia later in life are all long-term effects that make Adderall extremely dangerous for those abusing the substance. Taming aggression is best done with medical professionals’ help, one example being a drug detox program from a qualified treatment facility.

Prevent Aggression and Other Adderall Side Effects By Getting the Addiction Treatment Help You Need

Adderall can be responsible for serious aggressive responses and other dangerous side effects that make it hard for individuals to spend time with friends and family. Adderall is a controlled substance and can lead to misuse or addiction, so it’s important to be on top of anyone who is taking Adderall or who you speculate might be illegally consuming the drug. 

Fighting the battle against an abusive substance shouldn’t be done alone. Steps to Recovery provides high-quality drug addiction rehab programs that help people battle withdrawal symptoms and fully recover from the mood swings or other side effects of Adderall abuse. Contact Steps to Recovery today and get you or a loved one the right help for aggressive responses, mood swings, and other short and long-term bodily responses to Adderall.

