Once people complete rehab, the battle against addiction isn’t over. In fact, they have to continue fighting the disease for their whole lives. However, that doesn’t mean that they have to give up their social lives. Here are some fun, sober activities that you can engage in to help with relapse prevention.

The Need for Sober Activities

Often, people who struggle with addiction associate all of their fun with abusing substances. When you get clean, it’s hard to re-learn how to have fun. However, staying active and having fun are both important parts of preventing relapse. For that reason, it’s essential for you to find activities that you can do sober alone and in groups.

Get New Friends If You Have To

The people who you used to hang out with likely still enjoy partying and drinking a lot. If they do or aren’t willing to change, then you might need to find new people to hang around. Despite that, your old friends aren’t necessarily bad people. You just need to give yourself every opportunity to avoid relapse.

Take a Trip

Sometimes, taking a trip is one of the best sober activities that you can do. It gets you out of your old routine so that you can explore the world. Remember that trips are always better with a friend or family member, so don’t go on the trip alone. Take a travel buddy.

Create Something New

How are you at creating things? Using your mind is a great way to keep it off of using drugs. However, remember that creating things doesn’t always involve building or engaging in arts and crafts. Instead, you could create a story, a piece of music or poetry.

Get Out and Active

Some of the best sober activities involve exercising outside. Going for a run, hike or walk is a great way to blow off stress and get exercise. You can even join a gym or go swimming at your local YMCA. Whatever you do, though, don’t sit around the house doing nothing.

Activities for Rainy Days

Let’s face it, the weather isn’t always perfect. It can keep you inside for hours, a whole day or longer. Thankfully, you can still do indoor activities that don’t involve drugs or alcohol. For example, you could get into gaming on either a home console or PC. It allows you to interact with others if you play online. Also, studies show that games are a great way to blow off steam. In addition, you could play board games or read a book.

Kick Your Bad Habit to the Curb

At Steps to Recovery, we take great pride in providing Pennsylvania addiction recovery services. Our goal is to provide the tools that you need to fight relapse and live a normal life. A few of the programs that we offer include:

Don’t give up on your social life just because you gave up on drinking. Let us teach you some more fun and sober activities. Reach out to us today at 267.209.7312 to get started.