This herbal supplement can make people feel either stimulant or sedative effects, depending on how much an individual consumes. It can also be detected in the body for several days after side effects subside. So how long can a person expect to feel these effects, and how long will it take for Kratom to fully leave their system?


Kratom: What It Is & Why People Use It

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an herbal supplement that comes from a tropical tree in the coffee family. This tree, which is a type of evergreen, is native to Southeast Asia and produces leaves that are sometimes processed into a supplement. Kratom has the appearance of fresh or dry leaves and is sometimes made into pill form or crushed into powder form. It can be found in gas stations, corner stores, and paraphernalia shops in most parts of the United States.

A majority of people who use Kratom tend to be middle-aged and middle-income individuals with body pain who don’t want to spend money on expensive pain relief prescriptions. In cases where Kratom isn’t used for pain relief, it is taken as a recreational drug because of its effects.

Side Effects of Using Kratom

While this supplement is best known for its ability to relieve physical pain, Kratom comes with some unique effects. It can act as either a stimulant (which increases energy) or a sedative (which promotes rest and sleep) medication, depending on how much someone uses it.

Kratom binds to the same receptors as opioids to decrease pain and increase relaxation. It could produce a variety of different side effects and symptoms, which may include:

  • Sunburn sensitivity
  • Face discoloration
  • Increased urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusion
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Rushes of energy
  • Aggression
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Itching

Since Kratom acts similar to opiates and opioids, it can also make someone feel high.

Can Kratom Get You High?

Yes, Kratom can make someone high. It can temporarily improve mood and increase social behavior or energy. It gives off a euphoric sensation that resembles a high from opiate drugs. But because it has the potential to make someone high, Kratom can also cause addiction.

How Long Kratom Stays In Your System

Kratom has a half-life of about 24 hours, which means it takes one day on average for the drug to leave the body. However, there is more research needed to determine the supplement’s exact half-life. How long the traces of Kratom will stay in someone’s body depends on several factors. These factors can include a person’s age, body fat, genetics, metabolism, and more. It takes about 5 to 6 days to fully eliminate Kratom from the body through urine, sweat, and other natural processes. This substance may be detectable in certain screenings for up to seven days.

Kratom Risks and Warnings

Because there is not enough research behind Kratom and its effects, this supplement is currently not approved for medical use by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). In fact, because of its potential for abuse, Kratom has even been listed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a “drug of concern.” The growth process of this substance is not medically approved, so individuals who take Kratom never know exactly what they’re getting.

If you’re thinking of taking Kratom for pain relief, talk to your doctor before you start using the supplement. They might be able to provide alternative options to help relieve pain without the added risks. For example, a doctor may recommend a combination of traditional therapies like physical therapy and prescription medications that are approved for pain relief.

To learn more about Kratom and treatment options for Kratom, contact our team of substance abuse treatment professionals by calling 267.209.7312.

