Almost all of us can say that we’ve felt overwhelming emotions in some way over the past year or so. Emotions such as anger, sadness, stress, and frustration can sometimes take over and feel unbearable. These feelings sometimes leave us wondering if there is any way we can deal with them. How can we just control the negative emotions we feel? Holding them in never helps, but letting them out can sometimes hurt us or others. While it’s not easy, we can control and work on managing our emotions if we handle them the right way for us.

What Does It Mean to Be Emotionally Overwhelmed?

The job of our emotions is to get us to see what isn’t working so we can make the necessary changes. Essentially, emotions act as signals to tell us when it’s time to fix things. If we don’t handle the situation that is triggering our negative emotions, it could have an impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health. Overwhelming emotions, if not controlled, may lead to:

  • Trouble at work or school
  • Difficulty with managing stress
  • Conflicts in friendships & relationships
  • Difficulty relating to others
  • An urge to use substances to cope
  • Physical or emotional outbursts
  • Muscle pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance misuse

Being emotionally overwhelmed can include having mood swings, being upset or hurt, or being extremely stressed. In some cases, it can be the result of our thoughts surrounding a certain person, event, or memory. These negative feelings may be the result of different triggers, including a traumatic event or a stressful job.

Even though these feelings can take control of someone, there are ways to take charge of your life and your feelings again. Learning how to handle your emotions can help with important aspects of your life like decision-making, self care, relationships, and day-to-day interactions.


What To Do When Your Emotions Are Overwhelming

The way we interpret a situation or something that has a negative impact on us determines how we experience it. Since your emotions are always telling you something, it’s important to listen to them.

Below are some tools to help you control overwhelming emotions:

  1. Understand Your Emotions. When you are feeling negative emotions, look within yourself to figure out what is causing these feelings.
  2. Check-In With Yourself. Regularly ask yourself, “how am I feeling right now?” Checking in with yourself will help you identify what you are feeling.
  3. Accept Yourself. Instead of invalidating your emotions or your experience, try to accept all of the emotions you are feeling. Once you accept them, you can move on from them in a healthy way.
  4. Keep A Mood Journal. Record your emotions on a computer or a piece of paper to look back and understand what you were feeling at a certain time.
  5. Give Yourself Space. It’s okay to give yourself time away from the negative emotions and come back to them when you are ready. Take a break by hanging out with friends or enjoying hobbies.
  6. Find An Outlet. Develop a healthy routine to help you stay in touch with your emotions. It helps to exercise, do yoga, meditate, take deep breaths, and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  7. Cut Down On Stress. Try to remove the stress triggers in your life. Change what you can about a situation that may be overwhelming you or causing negative emotions.
  8. Communicate Effectively. It’s important to communicate assertively and impactfully in order to truly get your feelings out in the open.

 Common Treatments for Dealing With Emotions

We understand that the tools above may be easier said than done. It will take a lot of work and commitment on your part to control your emotions; but if you are able to do it successfully, you are bound to be happier and healthier overall. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, you’re encouraged to talk to a doctor or therapist and follow their recommended treatment plan. One-on-one therapy will likely be a large part of the treatment process.


Learn more about dealing with overwhelming emotions that can be caused by addiction or mental health issues by calling us today 267.209.7312.

