individual drinking wonders is alcohol a stimulantCurrently, the country is focusing on the current drug crisis taking place. However, this opioid focus is allowing people to ignore the dangers of alcohol abuse. Because alcohol is a legal substance, many don’t tend to worry about how much and how often they consume a drink. What many fail to realize is that alcohol is still one of the leading causes of death in America. When you focus on the dangers of alcoholism, several questions may arise. How much is too much? Is alcohol a stimulant? How can I stop drinking?

Stimulant or Depressant-How to Tell the Difference

Before you ask, is alcohol a stimulant, you must have an understanding of what a stimulant is. You should also know about depressants as well. The most significant difference between the two substances is that a stimulant will speed up the functions of your body while a depressant will slow them.

Stimulants will make an individual more alert and awake. They’ll also feel an increase in their energy levels and feel more attentive. Depressants are typically anti-anxiety and sleep aid medications. These substances have a slowing effect on the central nervous system, allowing the body to calm itself down.

So, Is Alcohol a Stimulant?

The simple answer is no. Alcohol is actually a depressant. It works like a depressant medication by suppressing the release of the brain chemicals that increase energy and activity. However, it’s often thought to be a stimulant because of how it enhances the release of dopamine. The excess of this chemical will make an individual believe they have more energy while, in reality, the nervous system is left unaffected by the alcohol.

Overcoming Alcoholism

If you feel that you have a problem with alcohol, a drug alcohol detox is the best place for you. One reason people don’t try to get sober from alcohol is the problematic withdrawal. The good news is that significant advancements in addiction medicine can help your alcohol detox. This help will help minimize all of the following symptoms you can have from withdrawal:

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Body tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations

Another reason you should always get professional help for detox is that the symptoms can be dangerous. Some people withdrawing from alcohol can have a life-threatening seizure. During withdrawal, there’s also a lot of pressure on the heart, so cardiac arrest is a possibility. At a medical detox facility, you can rest assured that you’ll be safe as well as comfortable.

Help with Steps to Recovery

Steps to Recovery is here to help by providing you with all of the addiction recovery services you need. Not only do we offer detox, but we also offer treatment that will help you stay sober once you leave. We want you to feel confident about your recovery by the time you discharge. We help you do this by providing you with some of the following therapeutic methods:

Is alcohol a stimulant? No, but it’s still dangerous when addiction is present. For help with alcohol or drug abuse or addiction, turn to Steps to Recovery. Call today at 267.209.7312 to learn about available options for treatment.