young woman showing signs of bulimiaOur appearance-obsessed society makes it all too easy for people to become preoccupied with their body image. It makes disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa even more challenging to diagnose and understand. That’s why it’s essential to learn about the signs of bulimia before this severe disease does permanent damage.

What is Bulimia?

It’s poor self-esteem, guilt, and shame that are at the core of bulimia. For many bulimics, life is an erratic trip between seeing eating as the only solution to difficult problems and then perceiving it as the center of all issues. Because their weight is often normal or even slightly elevated, those around people with bulimia don’t often believe that they have an eating disorder as severe as is found with anorexia.

What Are the Signs of Bulimia?

Although people with this disorder do their best to conceal it, there are several signs of bulimia that individuals frequently display. They include the following:

  • Depression and isolation
  • Social anxiety
  • Distorted or overly negative body image
  • Obsession with weight and body shape
  • Binge-purge cycles characterized by excessive, uncontrollable, hidden eating to the point of physical discomfort. That is followed by an intentional effort to rid oneself of the food via vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise, or other methods

If you believe you or someone you love could benefit from help with bulimia, you should also be on the lookout for additional signs of bulimia such as chipmunk cheeks, visits to the bathroom after eating, damaged teeth or gums, sores on hands from induced vomiting, scratchy voice, or even obsessive working out.

Steps to Recovery Can Help

If you or someone you love is showing the signs of bulimia, you could benefit from bulimia treatment. Steps to Recovery is a high-quality Pennsylvania addiction recovery services provider that has the specialized tools that you need. We understand that eating disorders lead to many physical and mental problems, including alcohol and drug abuse. We are highly knowledgeable and qualified to address your unique situation in a customized and comprehensive way by providing the following:

If you or someone you love begin displaying the signs of bulimia, we have the help you need. Your treatment as a whole person is our top priority. Therefore, we will fully assess your entire situation to arrive at a thorough diagnosis of all disorders that may be occurring at the same time such as bulimia and alcohol or drug abuse. Then we will give you the evidence-based treatments and sober living skills that will enable you to find lasting healing and a fulfilling life. Let us help you beat this destructive disorder once and for all. Call our caring staff today at 267.209.7312.