Percocet is a brand-name prescription painkiller made up of acetaminophen and oxycodone. While it can be helpful when used with medical supervision for short-term pain relief, it can also be abused and lead to addictions. While using Percocet isn’t necessarily a problem, learn how to spot abuse of the drug. Here are some of the most common signs of Percocet abuse.

Tiny Pupils

Oxycodone, one of the two main ingredients in Percocet, is an opiate. Like other opioid drugs, Percocet can cause users to have tiny pupils. This shrinking is the opposite of pupil dilation. If someone you care about has tiny, pinpoint pupils regularly, then they might be relying on opioid drugs like Percocet.

Doctor Shopping

Most people who are addicted to Percocet started using the drug with good intentions. Many individuals want to experience some form of pain relief. Unfortunately, abusing Percocet can mean a change in drug dependence.

Some people who are dependent on Percocet will need to explore new ways of obtaining prescription drugs. They might go to more than one pain clinic or doctor’s office to get prescriptions, or they might go to more than one pharmacy to fill those prescriptions. All of these behaviors are signs of doctor shopping, and they are a definite warning sign of abuse.

Prolonged Percocet Use

Another sign of Percocet abuse or addiction is using for a long period. Percocet is rarely meant to be a long-term solution to pain. It is for moderate to severe short-term pain, not chronic pain. Therefore, anyone using the drug for months is likely to abuse the drug.

Changes to Sleep Cycles

Like all opioid drugs, Percocet can impact a person’s sleep cycle. After taking Percocet, many users are drowsy. It is common to feel tired, groggy and even dizzy when under the influence of the drug.

This can cause people to fall asleep in the middle of the day but struggle to sleep through the night. It also leads to feeling tired and apathetic rather than rested and energized.

Behavioral and Physical Changes

A Percocet addiction can cause some physical and behavioral changes. Users may lose weight rapidly, and others may stop their normal grooming habits. The key is to look for unexplained changes. Once a person develops an addiction to a drug like Percocet, their routine can quickly fall apart.

Responding to the Signs of Percocet Abuse

Once you’ve spotted one or more of the signs of Percocet abuse, it is time to get professional help through a drug and alcohol rehab. At Steps to Recovery, clients can get the help they need to fight back against prescription drug abuse. A wide range of treatment methods and therapies may include:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Addiction counseling
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

The right addiction recovery services can help clients end the signs of Percocet abuse once and for all. At Steps to Recovery in Levittown, Pennsylvania, clients and their recovery are the number one priority. Call 267.209.7312 to begin planning for your freedom from drug abuse.