Statistics claim that teen alcohol abuse is down. But the numbers mean very little when your adolescent is at risk. There are ways of preventing underage alcohol consumption. That said, addiction treatment specialists use various methods of dealing with it once it does happen.

How to Prevent Teen Alcohol Abuse

evidence of teen alcohol abuseMost school districts now implement curricula that emphasize sobriety. These health lessons take place throughout the elementary and high school years. They include guest speakers, interactive in-classroom sessions, as well as role-playing activities. Of course, these approaches only go so far.

Counteracting teenage drug abuse is a necessary exercise in the home, too. Parental supervision of adolescents is vital. Setting rules and talking about them frequently is another good way of preventing underage drinking. Of course, modeling abstinence is the ideal backdrop to these conversations.

What to Do When Your Adolescent Abuses Alcohol

You can do everything right, and things still don’t turn out well. If, in spite of your best efforts, alcohol hooks your teen, get help. Alcohol abuse isn’t something you can handle on your own. Remember that addiction’s a disease, and a craving for alcohol is no exception.

Work with Pennsylvania addiction recovery services that understand the importance of family involvement. Moreover, you want to find a facility that emphasizes partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment. Doing so allows your teen to live at home under your supervision. Possible interventions include:

  • Extensive family therapy sessions that include addiction education, goal-setting, and healthy communication styles
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy, which allows your teen to think through negative thought patterns
  • Group sessions that provide avenues for peer learning and accountability
  • Assessment of co-occurring mental health disorders and treatment
  • Relapse prevention training for lifelong sobriety

Why Undergo a Dual Diagnosis Assessment?

This assessment is vital when working with teens or adults who’re struggling with alcohol abuse. Frequently, the alcohol is a means for self-medicating behaviors. There may be underlying psychiatric disorders that fuel the addiction. Unless you address them, a relapse is not only possible but also likely.

For many families, this means overcoming the stigma that people associate with mental health challenges. Normally, a combination of talk therapy and medications can make a significant difference in the teen’s health. In the process, the family also heals. When you know what the triggers and stressors are, it eliminates the self-blame many caregivers and parents feel.

Reach Out to Steps to Recovery Today

If a teen’s in trouble with drug or alcohol abuse, time is of the essence. Don’t waste it trying to see if you can straighten things out yourself. Addiction’s a disease that responds well to treatment. Because there isn’t a cure, it’s vital to achieve remission as soon as possible.

At Steps to Recovery, caring therapists routinely work with adolescents and parents. They can help with any stage of teen alcohol abuse. Find out which treatment model may be the right solution for your youngster. Call 267.209.7312 today.