Xanax — known medically as Alprazolam — is a commonly prescribed drug used to help treat anxiety disorders and panic disorders. Xanax and its family of prescription drugs are all classified as benzodiazepines, which create a calming and relaxing mental feeling. While originally developed for positive purposes, Xanax is one of the many commonly misused drugs, with people using it to cope with the emotional stressors of life. While you might be fairly familiar with the current state of society and Xanax use, let’s take a deep dive into the history of the drug and how we got to this point.

The Creation of Xanax

Dr. Leo Sternbach created the first Xanax pill in the 1950s, working for Upjohn Laboratories in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was developed as a remedy for individuals looking for alternatives to other drugs like barbiturates and meprobamate that weren’t as dangerous or destructive. With future modifications, the drug finally entered circulation as Valium in 1963.

Continuous research was done on the drug, and in 1970, J.B. Hester of the Upjohn Company was granted a patent for Alprazolam in Germany. When the patent was granted for Xanax use in the United States in 1976, it began the reign of Xanax as one of the more used drugs. The FDA approved Xanax in 1981 as a Schedule IV Controlled Substance, and it was approved for use as an antianxiety and panic disorder drug.

Panic Disorder Treatment and Additional Benefits

Before Xanax, many benzodiazepines couldn’t provide effective treatment for panic disorders. Most initial Xanax marketing and use were to treat panic disorders by serving as a muscle relaxant and sleep aid. By 1995, it was widely accepted in circulation as a less effective but dangerous method of treating panic disorders. It has also been shown to have positive impacts on people with other conditions like depression. While it isn’t widely used to treat these other conditions, there have been some very positive long-term effects with this condition and many more.

The Misuse of Xanax

Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in individuals admitted to hospitals for misuse of Xanax. Young adults, around the ages of 18-25, are the most likely age group to abuse Xanax at 10.3%, and Xanax misuse has often coincided with the misuse of other drugs. While the drug itself can rarely lead to severe side effects, combining drugs increases the effects one feels on their body, and almost 50% of emergency hospitalizations are due to Xanax and other drugs. The costs for legal prescriptions remain very low, but the market is bustling, and the increased profit margin is one of the many reasons why the drug is so commonly used.

Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Misuse

For individuals abusing Xanax, symptoms are similar to other drugs. While it does work as a rapid treatment for anxiety disorders and similar symptoms, it can also lead to feelings of euphoria in much larger doses, leading to eventual addiction. Proper addiction treatment starts with getting medical support from quality Xanax addiction treatment centers, but the only way to do so is by knowing some of the typical signs and symptoms. These include:

  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness and Nausea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Short-Term Memory Loss
  • Inability to Focus on Important Tasks
  • Headaches
  • Double Vision
  • Slurred Speech
  • Coordination Issues
  • Confusion

Don’t Let Xanax Consume Your Life — Get Help From Steps to Recovery

Xanax misuse has unfortunately ruined the lives of many individuals. While it can do good, like anything, too much is a bad thing. Someone struggling with a Xanax addiction can find help from Steps to Recovery. With high-quality addiction therapy programs, which include counseling, psychotherapy, and group therapy, we have everything needed to help individuals recover from misuse of substances like Xanax. Contact Steps to Recovery today at 267.209.7312 and discover what effective treatment options can do for you.



