After graduating from high school, parents and students are always excited when college finally starts. While this a thrilling time for young adults, it also carries potential pitfalls. Alcoholism in college students can quickly develop if the student engages in social drinking or binge drinking. Before long, alcohol can affect the student’s physical health, academic performance, family life, and future.
What Causes Alcoholism in College Students?
The tragedy of alcoholism in college students is that it can really happen to anyone. Good students can easily develop an alcohol addiction during their university years. Normally, this kind of addiction begins without the student even realizing it. During high school or college, the student may engage in social drinking with their friends and classmates. Over time, they may unintentionally drink more often. This social drinking and binge drinking can quickly start to spiral out of control. Because of the culture around binge drinking at universities, alcoholism in college students is incredibly normal.
Signs That Someone May Have a Problem
Like any chronic disease, it is always better to get alcohol abuse treatment earlier rather than later. Before long, parents, friends and relatives may begin noticing signs of alcohol abuse. The individual may suddenly perform poorly at school or work. They may neglect their responsibilities or hang out with friends who engage in alcohol abuse. The student may have less and less control over how much they drink. They may have changes in their sleep patterns or suffer from mood swings. The student may also have difficulties cutting back on their drinking habits or go through withdrawals when they try to stop.
The Risks of College Drinking
Unfortunately, alcoholism in college students can cause many types of harm. Because alcohol lowers inhibitions, the student may take more risks or become involved in unplanned sexual encounters. Drinking increases the chances that the student will be a victim of sexual assault or a violent assault. Students who drink regularly are also more likely to commit crimes like vandalism, drunk driving, and theft.
Getting Help for an Addiction
While many students develop substance abuse issues in college, there are treatment options available. Once loved ones notice signs that a student has a problem, they should talk to the student about their concerns. With alcohol drug education and a quality rehab, the student can begin their recovery and stop fueling their addiction. In a treatment center, patients can discover options such as:
- Psychotherapy
- Addiction counseling
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Sober living and aftercare programs
- Dual diagnosis treatment
- Addiction interventions
- Addiction therapy services
The ongoing pain and stress of an addiction can feel overwhelming for the individual and their family. If you or a loved one suffers from alcohol or drug abuse, you do not have to begin the treatment process alone. At Steps to Recovery, you can discover collaborative, flexible programs that help you achieve long-lasting sobriety. To learn more about how our team can help stop alcoholism in college students, call us today at 267.209.7312.
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