It’s likely that you’ve seen, heard of, or taken Robitussin before. Even though this common medicine can be found on the shelves of our local pharmacies, it may be more harmful than we realize if it isn’t used properly. So what would happen if you drank too much Robitussin?
What Is Robitussin?
Robitussin is the brand name for a collection of over-the-counter cold and flu medicines. Doctors also might prescribe it to individuals who have not seen success with other types of medicine. It is available as both a liquid and a capsule, but is usually used in the form of a liquid. Robitussin is a combination of medications and is designed to treat chest congestion, cough, and stuffy nose. This drug is an expectorant, which means that it helps thin lung secretions and loosen mucus or phlegm.
Side Effects of Robitussin
While Robitussin is usually safe when used according to dosage, it may come with a few undesirable side effects. While they are still relatively rare, the common symptoms of Robitussin may include headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. In some cases, Robitussin could also cause an allergic reaction. When someone has an allergic reaction to Robitussin they may experience a rash on the skin, trouble breathing, or swelling of the tongue.
Side effects are more likely when someone misuses Robitussin, which means they use too much or don’t use it according to dosage. Drinking too much Robitussin may also cause more serious issues that could require immediate medical attention.
What Happens When You Drink Too Much Robitussin?
The symptoms below only occur when someone drinks too much Robitussin. If they use the drug according to dosage, they should not have to worry about the serious side effects.
The most serious risk of drinking too much Robitussin is kidney stones. If someone has kidney stones, they may experience symptoms such as fever, chills, vomiting, cloudy urine, burning during urination, and extreme pain in the back or side.
Someone who is experiencing symptoms of kidney stones should contact a doctor or visit the emergency room as soon as possible. While kidney stones can be extremely painful, they are likely to pass from the system if they are treated quickly and effectively.
Using Robitussin Safely
To prevent kidney stones and other possible side effects of Robitussin, you should always use this medicine according to the dosage that is either on the packaging or recommended by your doctor. You should also take Robitussin with food to decrease your chances of stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications before you start taking Robitussin. Stop taking Robitussin and talk to a healthcare specialist if your pain or cough worsens, if your pain or cough lasts for more than 7 days, if you have a fever, if you get a headache, or if you form a rash.
To learn more about Robitussin and Robitussin Addiction, contact our team of substance abuse treatment specialists by calling us at 267.209.7312.
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