Substance abuse is a precursor to chemical dependency. Precisely what is chemical dependency? How do you overcome it? Also, how can you prevent it from happening again?

What is Chemical Dependency with Substance Abuse?

woman wondering what is chemical dependencyAlcohol is a common drug that people use. Binge-drinking or drinking to excess are examples of abuse. However, there’s a little more to it than that. For example, you might start drinking because you want to loosen up before meeting with friends.

Maybe you’re suffering from an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. The alcohol is now actually a form of self-medication. You talk yourself into believing that you need the alcohol to function around other people. When you don’t have it, you don’t have the confidence you need.

Now, a chemical dependence develops. Your mind believes that it needs the substance. As you keep using alcohol consistently, your body follows suit. You dependency now has a physiological as well as a psychological component.

How to Overcome an Alcohol or Drug Habit

The development of a dependency is a typical physiological response. Chemical dependency treatment is the antidote. Addiction isn’t something that you can handle on your own. It’s easier, faster, and more useful to do it with professional help.

At Pennsylvania addiction recovery services centers, therapists customize their approaches to your needs. They gauge the severity of your addiction before putting together a protocol. Possible modalities include:

  • Family sessions that rebuild communication with those closest to you for mutual support and healing
  • Individual talk therapy for behavioral treatments
  • Group therapy meetings that focus on peer support and relapse prevention
  • Dual diagnosis assessment and treatment of psychiatric conditions including anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Goal-setting sessions that emphasize lifelong sobriety and life skills training

Finding a Treatment Model that Works

Some drug addiction rehab programs encourage inpatient treatment. That said, not everyone needs this high-intensity setup. Depending on your situation, it’s still possible to remain in your home and receive therapy. A good example is a partial hospitalization.

It provides you six days a week of treatment with about five hours of therapy interactions each day. This rigorous treatment model can help you make the changes you need to get and stay sober. For less severe substance abuse problems, an intensive outpatient program may make more sense. There are different levels of care, depending on your needs.

Your addiction counselor can help you find out if you need more group or one-on-one interactions. For those clients who catch a chemical dependency very early, a standard outpatient model suffices. You receive the support you need to quit.

Discover Which Modalities Could Be Right for You at Steps to Recovery

Take the uncertainty out of addiction treatment. What is chemical dependency if not your opportunity for a fresh start and healthier lifestyle choices? Therapists at Steps to Recovery want to collaborate with you every step of the way. Call 267.209.7312 today to find out more.