Are you in the process of recovering from an addiction? If so, you know that there are some fairly tricky challenges to overcome. And yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it; it simply means you’ll need a bit of help to guide you through the process. Don’t fear getting the support you need — many people have gotten support that has eased their recovery and made it more likely they stay free from addictive substances for as long as possible. Yet, finding the right support for your challenges starts by understanding what you’re facing. Let’s break down some of the biggest challenges of addiction recovery.

Developing New Ways to Cope

Remember, recovering from addictions is more than just avoiding those substances. It’s about finding a healthy way to cope and building a lifestyle that supports more positive behaviors. Part of this is developing new coping strategies and skills that keep your mind anybody away from addictive substances. It can mean turning to a new hobby, practicing mindfulness, or putting a focus on exercise. It can be time-consuming, but working with professionals can get you closer to where you need to be.

Building and Cultivating Relationships with Others

Addiction can significantly impact the relationships between you and the people you love. Relationships are usually one of the first things to struggle, as addictions lead to unstable behaviors and decisions that may put off the ones you love. Because of this, many treatment programs — like family counseling programs — emphasize support from the ones you love. Nothing is better than a robust social group that holds you accountable and shows you love and care throughout the process. It may be challenging to repair these relationships, but it’s also a crucial part of healing. 


Another key challenge is the looming presence of a relapse. Throughout recovery and especially at the beginning of the process, cravings, and desires for substances still occur. You can make meaningful steps toward recovery by avoiding these cravings and desires, but that’s often easier said than done. That’s where professional treatment centers come in. A medically supervised detox program and intensive care can provide the resources and attention needed to keep you away from addictive substances. 

Loneliness and Boredom

One of the biggest dilemmas of recovery is managing your new life away from people and places that contributed to your addiction. Spending time with friends who drank or used additive substances may lead to a relapse, but if you haven’t found new friends or a solid support group yet, things can start to feel lonely. So how can you combat these feelings?

Practice things like mindfulness, or push yourself to try new things or go into new environments where you’ll meet new people. And sometimes, it requires a bit of patience. Give yourself some time to adjust to your new domain. Remember, recovery isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. 

Transitioning Back to Home

Going back home after spending a certain amount of time in a treatment center can be a difficult adjustment to make. After a long time surrounded by mental health professionals, specialists, and people in similar situations, you’re now looking to transition back into the world. Doing this can feel difficult, but transitional care can help ease the process. An aftercare program is a great way to slowly reinvigorate yourself into daily living without feeling too pressured or overwhelmed. 

Recovery Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult — Steps to Recovery Can Help Make it Easier for You

Recovery is a battle between you and a mental illness that controls your actions and feelings. So naturally, there will be some good days and some rough days. But the most important thing you can do is focus on long-term success, stick to your goals, and surround yourself with people who care about you and help you recover.

That’s why there’s no one better to turn to than Steps to Recovery.

We help you fight the challenges of recovery head-on with quality treatment programs, therapies, support groups, and additional resources from some of the best mental health specialists in the country. For more information, contact us today or call Steps to Recovery at 267.209.7312 to speak directly with someone who can get you the help you need.

