How Do You Respond If You Find Illegal Substances At Home?
Did you stumble across illegal drugs while you were cleaning the house? Were you looking for proof that your teenager might be up to something? While most people who take drugs do their best to hide them, it’s possible to discover that a loved one is using by finding their stash.
No matter how you found the drugs in your home, you should know how to handle the situation and react appropriately.
Keeping Drugs in the House
Almost anyone could keep drugs in their house. However, teens are usually the most likely group to keep a stash around; and considering that most teens live with their parent/s, it’s relatively common for parents to figure out what’s going on.
It doesn’t matter whether they’re looking for it or not…parents can pretty easily find their child’s stash. Firstly, parents know everything. Secondly, no hiding spot can beat a determined cleaner. If you’re cleaning out a sock drawer, you never know what you might find.
What Types of Drugs Are Hidden in the Home?
Which drugs you find are dependent on who is using them. You’re more likely to find a bag of marijuana under your teen child’s bed than a prohibited substance. But if you’re living with an adult, you might find harder drugs or illegally-distributed prescriptions.
Next Steps: What Should You Do If You Find Drugs At Home?
Finding drugs at your home can be overwhelming; not only are you finding out that someone you love may have an abuse problem, but you’re learning that the substances were under your roof. This can be frustrating, but it’s important to stay calm and think before you act.
Take a few days before bringing this up to the person who the drugs belong to. Do research about the drug you and what its risks are. Once you have a better understanding of the substance you found, talk to trusted sources like family members and doctors to see how they would handle the situation.
When it’s time to talk to your child or whoever else is bringing drugs into your home, be prepared for rebuttal. Start by reminding the person that you care for them, then inform them of the risks they’re taking by carrying or using substances. Try to avoid lecturing as you explain the consequences of their actions. It’s also vital to make it clear that drugs will no longer be along in your house.
After you explain everything, the next step is listening. Really hear the person out when it’s their turn to speak; let them talk and explain why they’re behaving the way they are. Have a productive, two-way conversation and give them the support they need to stop using the substance you found.
When the conversation is over, it’s up to your loved one to stop using on their own. You can give them valuable resources and consistent support, but the issue will never be solved if they don’t want to fix it.
If this discussion shows evidence of a substance abuse issue, it may be time for your loved one to start considering treatment options. Treatments may include therapy, support groups, and rehabilitation.
Even though conversations like this can be scary, they’re worth it to potentially help someone you love that could be living with a substance abuse or mental health issue. To learn more about what next steps to take when you find drugs in your home, contact us by calling 267.209.7312 or visiting us here.
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