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More ways to develop Emotional Intelligence in Recovery

More Ways to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Recovery

Posted by Steps to Recovery on December 8, 2012 In my post yesterday, I discussed 3 ways to develop emotional intelligence in recovery. I touched on empathy, nonverbal communication and listening. All very important topics, and here are a few more to add to those tools to help you on your journey of recovery and achieving deeper emotional intelligence. Recognize emotions – Learning to recognize emotions is a skill that many

3 Ways to develop emotional intelligence in recovery

3 Ways to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Recovery

Posted by Steps to Recovery on December 7, 2012 A common issue for people who get caught up in addiction is that they have a hard time coping with their emotions. This inability of the individual to deal with their emotions in an appropriate way makes life hard for them so they self medicate with substance(s). A lack of emotional intelligence pushes them towards addiction, and also keeps them stuck there. Even

Friend Relapses on Drugs and Alcohol

When a Friend Suffers a Relapse

By Steps to Recovery on December 5, 2012 When a friend or loved one in recovery suffers a relapse, their actions don’t only impact their own life but also the lives of the people around them. It seems the most affected by a person’s relapse is often their recovery friends. These individuals might not only feel sad because of the loss of their friend in recovery, but they may worry

Addiction Recovery Self Image

Who Are You in Recovery

By Steps to Recovery on November 29, 2012 Who are you in recovery? How do you define yourself? Do you live in the past, allowing the choices you made in your addiction to stake claim on your life now, in your sobriety? Or do you look to the choices you have made in recovery, do you live in the present, recognizing yourself for all of the progress you have made and

Risky Behaviors in Addiction Recovery

Risky Behaviors in Recovery

By Steps to Recovery on November 28, 2012 Risky behaviors in recovery are a great formula for relapse. It is easy, sometimes, for the clean addict to believe only the drugs were the problem. We quickly forget the power of our disease and only remember certain symptoms. After some time in recovery an attitude of “I got this” may exist. Addiction can rear its ugly head in many ways. If we are


Staying Sober on Thanksgiving

By Steps to Recovery on November 22, 2012 – Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanksgiving is upon us, and everyone in recovery knows just how difficult staying sober can be during the holidays. So many feelings come up, many recovering addicts are far from their families and loved ones and are incapable, for one reason or another, of traveling to visit for the holidays. Loneliness, resentment for the situation,  sadness for lost relationship,

Tan and white dining room in a drug rehab house

You Can’t Do Recovery Alone

By Steps to Recovery on November 20, 2012 You can’t do recovery alone. How many times have you heard that, whether you use the 12 Steps for recovery or your own program of choice, you have probably heard this phrase so many times. And it’s so very true. There is great importance of having a support group of your peers, it’s one of the most important aspects of recovery. If we did


Recovery and Spending Time in Nature

By Steps to Recovery on November 19, 2012 Connecting with Nature is a very important part of recovery for many reasons. Many addicts and alcoholics aren’t use to this type of activity any longer and spend most of their time inside drinking and using. Even in recovery, sitting inside all the time isn’t healthy, even if you are exercising sometimes. You really need to get outside and connect with nature.


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