an adolescent girl asks herself, do I have an eating disorder?Have you ever asked, “Do I have an eating disorder?” If you’re wondering if your relationship with food is healthy or not, it’s possible that you have some issues with eating. People dealing with eating disorders can be underweight, overweight, or at their ideal weight. It’s not the number on the scale that’s the problem; eating disorders delve much deeper.

Common Eating Disorders

Anorexia is a well-known disorder and is a severe limit on caloric intake. Bulimia is another disorder where a person will binge on food and then engage in behaviors to purge calories. This behavior tends to include excessive exercise or vomiting. Binge eating (without purging) is eating large amounts of food. Sometimes, a person feels as if they have no control over how much they consume.

All of these disorders can have severe physical and psychological consequences. Both men and women may have them. Although women have traditionally had more body-image issues than men due to societal pressures, more men are falling victim to eating disorders as well.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

Anyone who’s dealing with an eating disorder probably tries to keep it secret. Individuals often feel shameful of themselves while feeling judged by others around them.

Sometimes, someone with an eating disorder turns to ineffective means for comfort. This comfort is often in drug and alcohol abuse, such as using appetite-suppressing drugs to keep weight down.

How do you know if you have a problem with food? You may have an eating disorder if you:

  • Have a preoccupation with weight and calories
  • Continually deny being hungry
  • Purge after a binge
  • Feel uncomfortable eating in front of other people
  • Feel out of control once you start eating, and you
  • Eat past the point of fullness

Are you still wondering, “Do I have an eating disorder?” If you’ve exhibited any of the above signs, there is a strong possibility that you do. However, you can have a healthy relationship with food. Instead of looking at food as your enemy, you’ll see it for the strength-building, nutritional fuel your body needs.

Treatment Designed for You

Steps to Recovery is a drug and alcohol addiction rehab facility. We provide treatment for an array of addictions as well as eating disorders, including anorexia treatment, to facilitate whole-body healing.

Our addiction recovery services include:

  • Drug addiction rehab
  • Alcohol addiction rehab
  • Psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Addiction counseling

We maintain a small staff-to-client ratio so that everyone can receive the personalized care that he or she deserves.

Are you ready to overcome drug and alcohol dependency, or an unhealthy relationship with food? Steps to Recovery can start you on the path to healing, so contact us today at 267.209.7312.