living with an alcoholicIndividuals struggling with alcoholism have a difficult burden. However, their loved ones also face a serious challenge. Learning coping mechanisms for living with an alcoholic can make your life healthier. Often, it encourages treatment for the alcoholic in your life as well.

Don’t Dance Around the Problem

In many cases, those who live with an alcoholic avoid the issue. In the long run, refusing to say the word addiction doesn’t help. For your own mental health, it can be freeing to openly acknowledge that alcohol addiction is present.

Verbally expressing your feelings frees you from uncomfortable secrecy. It is okay to seek support, and admit that things are not alright. After years of silence, sharing your concerns is liberating and helps you cope with the challenges of caring for an alcoholic.

Set Boundaries if You’re Living with an Alcoholic

One of the hardest things to do when living with an alcoholic is set boundaries. Nonetheless, it is vital. If you don’t set boundaries, you aren’t valuing yourself, your time, or your health. Setting boundaries doesn’t mean that you care any less, or that you don’t want to help your loved one.

Sometimes, boundaries can include not answering the phone in the middle of the night, or responding to pleas for help after an ultimatum has been set. These are tough decisions to make, but they free you from the stress of 24/7 care and around-the-clock enabling.

Care for Yourself First

It is normal to want to help an alcoholic. If that alcoholic is your spouse, your friend, or your family member, then it is natural to offer them care, support, and help. However, you must care for yourself first.

Think about being in an airplane. Safety videos always tell you to put your own air mask on before helping others. Caring for an addict is similar. You’ll be able to do a much better job if you’re taking care of your own physical and psychological health as well.

Seek Out Support

No one has to deal with this alone. There are many means of support that you can pursue. One method of coping is attending private therapy sessions. Additionally, Al-Anon meetings are specifically for families of those with an alcohol dependence.

Find Recovery Options Out of the Home

Sometimes, the best coping method is to provide addiction treatment for your loved one outside of the home. This still allows you to help and support the person you care about, but it’s less hands-on. In a professional treatment center, your loved one will receive alcohol rehab and you’ll have peace of mind.

In treatment, patients will have access to:

Living with an alcoholic can be stressful. Fortunately, your loved one can begin the route to health and wellness at Steps to Recovery in Levittown, Pennsylvania. Call 267.209.7312 to learn more about options and programs that can help end addiction for good.