Alcohol Addiction

man ponders the alcohol withdrawal timeline

Understanding the Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

Many individuals struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction but don’t want to get help. Often, fear of withdrawal is a significant deterrent. By understanding the alcohol withdrawal timeline, clients can be more confident when heading into detox and rehab. Explore the timetable for alcohol withdrawal and begin planning for your total recovery. Deciding to Seek Help For Alcohol Addiction The first step in addiction recovery is acknowledging that there is

individual thinking about ways to reduce alcohol use

Ways to Reduce Alcohol Use

Some people are aware that they practice unsafe drinking behaviors. In fact, many may want to gain better control over their drinking habits, but they may not know where to begin. The following tips have been gathered to help these individuals learn effective ways to reduce alcohol use. It’ll also cover important points regarding when it may be appropriate to seek professional rehabilitation and support. What is Alcohol Abuse? Before

man is suffering from the mental effects of alcohol

The Mental Effects of Alcohol

To seek appropriate help for an alcohol abuse problem, you must recognize that the issue exists. The information below will address how to define alcohol abuse accurately. Additionally, it will also discuss common mental effects of alcohol, and the reasons why seeking professional treatment is essential. How to Define Alcohol Abuse Learning how professionals define an alcohol use disorder is an important part of understanding this issue. In general, the

a young woman and her child are unsure of how to deal with an alocholic

How to Deal with an Alcoholic

It can be hard to accept that a loved one has an addiction. Too often, an addict will recognize the problem as their own. They fail to realize how much this addiction is affecting the loved ones around them. If you have a loved one who is an alcoholic, it can be frustrating to handle the situation. It’s important to learn how to deal with an alcoholic, and how some

an infographic illustrating the stages of alcoholism

The 4 Stages of Alcoholism [Infographic]

While many people assume alcohol abuse is harmless, the drug can actually lead to devastating consequences. Across the US, drinking is considered socially acceptable and almost a rite of passage. According to National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an estimated 88,000 alcohol-related deaths occur annually in America. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the 4 stages of alcoholism, so proper treatment can be sought before it’s too late. Stage 1:

A man wonders about marijuana vs alcohol while smoking a blunt

Marijuana vs Alcohol Effects

Alcohol and cannabis are both psychoactive substances. However, they produce different results in the body. Experts may have conflicting opinions regarding the safety and health effects of marijuana vs alcohol. Regardless, both substances are addictive and can negatively impact your health. Effects Of Alcohol In 2012, the World Health Organization reported that almost 6 percent of deaths around the world were related to alcohol consumption. Overall, alcohol affects memory, balance,

Glasses of bourbon make you wonder what type of drug is alcohol

What Type of Drug Is Alcohol?

In the United States, anyone above 21 can legally consume alcoholic beverages. Despite the fact that it’s legal, alcohol can have highly destructive effects when using it excessively. Therefore, you might be wondering what type of drug is alcohol in addition to what steps you should take to help someone with a drinking problem. What Type of Drug Is Alcohol? To understand what type of drug is alcohol, let’s first

5 Important Facts You Should Know About An Alcohol Rehab Center

5 Important Facts You Should Know About An Alcohol Rehab Center

Alcohol addiction is a serious disease, but not everyone dealing with it knows that they have it. There are several subtle and not-so-subtle signs that your use of alcohol has turned into an addiction and an alcohol rehab center may be necessary. Obvious signs you have a problem include: Your doctor telling you that certain health problems are a result of alcohol abuse If you’ve been in trouble with the

Group Therapy for Drug Addiction

What Is a Holistic Treatment Center for Addiction?

Addiction is an all-inclusive disease that’s potentially deadly for its victims. Its insatiable appetite for substances leaves a trail of death, destruction and despair. Addiction is a complex disease that historically hasn’t been well understood. It doesn’t happen the same way for any two people and it isn’t overcome all that easily. Sadly, conventional inpatient rehab tends to take a relatively superficial approach to addiction treatment that can fail to


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